Developed and distilled from decades of performance, Anthony’s system of rapier swordplay will give you the tools to create exciting yet safe choreography. This DVD sets offers short, sequential lessons in grip, footwork, distance, cuts & thrusts, and parries – everything you need to tell a dynamic action story with a sword:
- en garde and lunge positions
- targeting and distance
- basic cuts and thrusts
- lateral and circular parries
- basic and advanced footwork with drills

Anthony De Longis is an actor, fight choreographer, swordsman, stuntman, and teacher. His decades-long career has been dedicated to physical performances that speak as eloquently and powerfully as words. His expertise with a variety of bladed and flexible weapons is renown in the entertainment industry, and he has been called to teach, choreograph, and perform with some of its biggest names – including Harrison Ford, Michelle Pfeiffer, Jet Li, Josh Brolin, Tom Cruise, Brendan Fraser, Placido Domingo. He created Anthony De Longis Performance and Combat Arts to share his knowledge – all it takes is a desire to learn. His video company, Palpable Hit Productions, markets self-produced, high-quality instructional videos for his favorite weapons: the Bullwhip and the Sword.
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