Sessions 9 – 12 | Flexibility of the Hamstrings and lower back. Mobility of Hips.

Sessions 9 – 12 | Flexibility of the Hamstrings and lower back. Mobility of Hips.

Sessions 9 – 12 | Flexibility of the Hamstrings and lower back. Mobility of Hips.

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Repetition is the mother of all learning, and the father of action, which makes it, the architect of accomplishment.” (zig zigler)

Session 9
The one-minute stretching and workout series. The first in four episodes that focus on the mobility of the hips and the lower back. Here we focus on the hip flexor muscles. Each exercise lasts only one minute as a basis, showing how these stretches can vastly improve mobility along with stopping knee and lower back pain.

Session 10
Adrian Paul answers questions about footwork and sword flow while demonstrating sword positions and movements. After a quick warm up we introduce you to a new set of stretches to help with hip mobility for injury prevention along with reducing knee and lower back pain.

Session 11
Hips, Hips, Hips, Stretches and a warm-up to get you working on the SXP1-4 training angulations combined with various footwork combinations.

Session 12  “You are who you believe yourself to be” Paulo Coelho
In this last of four videos on hip flexibility and mobility, Adrian moves on to explain the SXP 9 and 12 positions. Putting together a series of attacks to incorporate these movements.

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