STE 100 Buffalo WY 82834
Questions, Comments, or Help with your Order?
What can I expect?
- Before choreography can be applied to sword work, the focus at SXP events is always based in the correct application of sword movement, footwork, measure (distancing) and targeting that applies to any martial sword work. Our Academy events focus more on technique and application whereas our Elite events include a filmed component for participants.
What do I need to know before the event?
- We use QR codes for check-in at the events or you name will be on a list. Your QR code is on your emailed ticket(s). Please either print out your tickets and bring to the event or be ready to show your emailed ticket(s) via a smartphone or tablet to event staff.
- Please check your email prior to the event! Important notices, such as last minute time or location changes, are emailed to you. At times, you will receive an email before the website can be updated to such changes.
I want to attend a Sword Experience, but I am currently on a budget. Do you offer a payment plan?
Restrictions do apply. Please find more information here.
How much to purchase a t-shirt at an event?
T-shirts are $30 unsigned and $45 signed.
Can I get a photo with Adrian?
Any participant can be photographed alone with Adrian or with any other participant.
Any Spectators who wish to have a solo photo solo, or together with another Sword Experience participant, can do so for $30.
Please note Academy events do not inlcude a photo with Adrian for any ticket.
Further questions?
Feel free to reach out. CONTACT@SWORDXP.COM (fastest reply)
(818)-493-1009 (number not monitored daily)
Under the Age of 18?
Anyone between the age of 15-18 must have a parent, or parent guardian, fill out a release form found during check, or on each of our event pages. Applications will be reviewed and maybe denied for safety reasons. Children under the age of 12 can view the Sword Experience for free.
Do I need experience?
Currently, each event is open to all levels (please see restrictions below). Seminars for higher levels will be open in the future.
How long is the event?
Classes are usually around four hours or so, but please double check the details for your particular event.
Are there any restrictions?
- Please note: there are a total of 3 Participant forms that will need to be read thoroughly and/or filled out and submitted before purchasing your ticket. (Terms & Conditions, Release Waiver, Image Release Form)
- No photos or videos are allowed during the Sword event.
- Participants must be at least 18 years old. (15-18 year olds can participate with parental consent and a minimum height of 4 feet, 6 inches tall) (Please see additional Parent Release Form)
May I bring my own items for Mr. Paul to sign?
Yes, personal items are $35 each for a signature.