Tsuka Level (13-16)

Tsuka Level (13-16)

Tsuka Level (13-16)

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Session 13

A strong Supraspinatus muscle (one of 4 muscles in your shoulder) is key to injury prevention. In this episode, Adrian outlines exercises to strengthen the supraspinatus along with footwork and angles from the SXP numbering system

Session 14

A new set of Supraspinatus exercises, more footwork and SXP numbers 7 &10 defense positions to work on. This, combined with various turns and footwork demonstrate the variety of uses for these positions.

Session 15

We continue by showing the 7 and 10 defense movements, with varied footwork, plus reminders about sword swing movement. Exercises include raining of other supraspinatus muscles to protect against injuries along with strengthening upper body sword movements.

Session 16

In this video, the SXP #7 and #10 angles are combined with other angles of attack. Combined with footwork and exercises to improve the health of the supraspinatus muscle that stabilizes the shoulders makes this video a real workout for the participant.

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